To establish a unified group of RHEMA graduates to support the ongoing vision of RHEMA Bible Training College South Pacific.
Ulugia Alex Stanley
Vice Chairperson:
Dr. Rexona Sheppard Taavao
Soteria Ainuu-Tufuga
Board Member:
Henry Hunkin
Board Member:
Hon. Sili Epa Tuioti
Board Member:
Vui Sebastian Mariner
RHEMA Representative:
Ps. James Ah Kui
E-mail: umsamoa@gmail.com | Office: (685) 23842 | Annual Registration Fee: $50.00
Provide an avenue of unity, strength and fellowship between RHEMA Alumni Pacific (RAP) and RHEMA Pacific;
Maintain an up to date Database for communication
Attempt regular communication between RAP and RHEMA Pacific through all viable means;
Develop and facilitate long term relationships with RAP and Overseas Alumni;
Strengthen ties between RAP graduates and RHEMA staff and students;
Be a resource and provide an atmosphere for the RAP to fellowship with the RHEMA family;
Provide a programme by which the graduates can be involved with the vision and misson of RHEMA;
Create opportunities for the RAP to support the ongoing vision of RBTCP by promoting the RBTCP, sponsoring students, and/or giving of their time, talent, or finances.
Support, sustain and develop the Christian community in Samoa and the Pacific.
Do all acts, matter and things incidental to or conducive to the furtherance of any of the foregoing objects.